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Would you do go for SEO services for your website/ juss survive without it? - Printable Version

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Would you do go for SEO services for your website/ juss survive without it? - NavinSeoWebGuide - 05-01-2014 11:33 PM

Your are a website owner......

Would you go for SEO services or juss plan to survive the internet
without it................

Do you thing SEO will do any benefit for your traffic..........if yes why.........if no what the other things you look out for in order to enhance the traffic to your website......

Note: SEO includes --- Articles POsting, links building, dir sub, articles creation

- maxximumjoy - 05-01-2014 11:38 PM

The kind of SEO you're talking about -- articles, directory, links, etc. -- are pretty important but not just for SEO purposes. The are important for content, and good content is what will not only eventually get you showing up in search results but it will also keep site visitors coming back.

Depending on your skills and your time, you can do much or all of that yourself! On the other hand, it may be worth it to pay someone to do it for you.

Just don't pay some scam supposed SEO company who merely offers to "submit your site to search engines." Because honestly, you can do that yourself and also most major search engines will find you all on their own if you provide good enough content. Don't be afraid to post the link to your site on other sites -- that'll be one way the search engines find you.

So yeah, it is worth it to pay for content creation but not worth it to pay for search engine submissions. Others may have a different opinion, though! Good luck on your site.

- Diep T - 05-01-2014 11:46 PM

Whether you would like to pay or not will depend on what you can and want to learn, or if you have a big budget or not. Another thing to consider is that it's difficult to earn money on the internet when you start.

I myself don't pay, but do SEO myself and get my webpage on page 1 for many keyword phrases.

- Article writing/submitting. This is quite easy. Or if you don't want to write, you can buy private label right articles, re-engineered and submit. This is the easiest and quickest way to get backlinks.

- Directories submission. This is quite easy to do.

- (Reciprocal linking). This is tedious but could easy be done. You can buy links, but the danger is to be banned by Google (due to the number and the same you get with many others - unnatural links or link farm).
- On page SEO. You can do this yourself, if you want to learn some html to chnge your website.

Good luck,


- Thrillseeker - 05-01-2014 11:48 PM

Doesn't matter how important or how insignificant your website is...if nobody knows about it...then your work is equal to 0 !

I think you still need to do the basic seo for it.
I made a simple website about some basic SEO tutorials.
You can have your first backlink on my site :

There is no SEO company who can make your website 1st.In SEO there are no guarantees.

For example..if you wanna stay indexed by would need at least one relevant backlink to your site.

- wabboc - 05-01-2014 11:58 PM


SEO is critical for the success of your web site. Without it, you will get no traffic. No traffic = no customers = no money.

If you own a Web site, the Web site building software should have included SEO. Otherwise, using the software is a waste of time. SEO includes Internet marketing and while articles posting, etc. is important, the most important thing is to select the right keywords that people use to find your Web site. You need to do keyword analysis to find the best keywords for your Web site.

Then, you need to sprinkle those keywords onto your Web pages so that the search engines will find them as their spiders crawl your Web site as well as putting them in your Title, Keywords, headings and description.

Why? Think about how the major search engines work. They key on what word or phrases the users enter. How do you find keywords that users want? Use Google itself at this URL:

Just enter your keyword and it will tell you what the demand is for that keyword and how much it would cost to advertise it on Google via Google AdWords.

Supply and demand is important for keywords. You want to find the keywords with a huge demand, but very little supply.

Another good keyword analyzer is This will cost you money, but it's the best on the Web.

This is a very good book for building traffic: Search Engine Optimzation - An Hour A Day by Jennifer Grappone and Gradiva Couzin.

With this book you do not need any costly SEO services.

There are Web site builders that do most of this SEO for you. Most free web site builders do not include SEO. That's why most of them are a waste of time. Creating a Web site is easy, but it is only 10% of the job. The other 90% is SEO and it is critically important.

Do you know about Alexa rank? Alexa is an Amazon company that ranks Web sites. It takes the most active Web site which total about 65 million and compares your web site to all of them. If you have a rank under 500,000 you are doing good, it you are under 100,000 you are fantastic. Google is under 10.

Here is how to get to the Alexa Point Test:.

The Web sites that score high on Alexa have lots of content. Content is king on the Internet. What is content? Its information, information that visitors find interesting and relevant to your keywords. The more pages you have on your Web site, the better. If you have only 5 or 6 pages, the search engines will ignore you. Once you get to about 30 pages, the search engines will begin to take notice. At that time you should begin to link to other Web sites. The search engines love links, but you must avoid link farms.

Hope this helps.

Kindest Personal Regards,

Walt Brown
Site Build It Certified Webmaster

P.S. Don't forget to set up your mega tags correctly, Google sitemaps, and press releases

- kpraveenkumars - 05-02-2014 12:01 AM

A ordinary site owner may not be aware of the guidelines of search engines..Therefore the need of SEO
