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Your connection between the access point to the router modem or internet is broken.? - Printable Version

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Your connection between the access point to the router modem or internet is broken.? - 649 - 05-02-2014 03:41 AM

I'm at my families house with my laptop. I was here on March 15 and my computer was working fine, we came back the 19th and my internet connection says it connected with 5 bars but when I go to open my browser it stays connected for about 2 minutes and then decides its had enough. I'll run a troubleshoot, sometimes it says that my DNS network wasn't connected but it fixed it. But almost all times it said that the access point is broken. I've uplugged the modem and router, done hard resets and still nothing. I've looked before on other forums and it's said to to a ipconfig gone into the command prompt and did a ipconfig to see if anything was wrong and nothing according to directions, I've read else where that mcafee can cause issues I've removed that, and yet again nothing. Any suggestions please?

- Lauren - 05-02-2014 03:45 AM

Forgot to mention my iphone, boyfriends phone and every other computer is working just fine.

- Fester Frump - 05-02-2014 03:54 AM

When it's "disconnected" at the IPconfig prompt type "ipconfig /release" (without quotes), then "ipconfig /renew".

Does your wifi adapter get an IP address assigned from the router? If yes, then the router to PC part is probably working.

If no, than I'd suggest powering off the router. Also power off all other "devices" that connect to the Internet through that router. Wait a few minutes and power up the router, wait a few more minutes and power just your PC and see if it works okay. After awhile power up other devices and see if those and your PC continue to function correctly.