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Can you watch Netflix instant movies without internet connection? - Printable Version

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Can you watch Netflix instant movies without internet connection? - 975 - 05-02-2014 04:46 AM

I am going to be on the road a lot this summer, and I was wondering if download Netflix instant movies when I'm at home with internet, then can I watch them when I'm on the road and do not have an internet connection?

- Ali♥ - 05-02-2014 04:59 AM

yes. They will be downloaded to your comp. you need it to get the movies but not to watch them...(:

- Disneyland Guru - 05-02-2014 05:11 AM

I don't know what these other people are talking about. I have Netflix and if you want to watch a movie on your computer or streaming to your TV, you need an internet connection. The movie is NEVER downloaded to your computer and there is no way to download it or watch it later. It is only done by streaming over the internet to your computer or TV. No internet connection, no Netflix.