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How do you get rid of "ReMarkable" and it's ads? - Printable Version

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How do you get rid of "ReMarkable" and it's ads? - 166 - 05-02-2014 05:07 AM

Every time I go to Youtube ReMarkable ads pop and and are really loud when I'm trying to watch videos. Also they pop up in a lot of other places too. I looked in the un-install section of my computer but there was nothing called that and it doesn't look like there is anything that isn't supposed to be there. ALSO I looked at the extensions part in Google Chrome but there isn't anything that isn't supposed to be there. I am not looking to download anything to get rid of it. Thank you.

- Mojó - 05-02-2014 05:17 AM

ReMarkable is installed by being bundled into another program that you installed, Desk 285, Nation Zoom, SaveSense, Optimizer Pro, fake HD player, installer which says that your Flash player need to be update to the latest version, etc. Uninstall every program (browser extensions, toolbars included) you don't want, need, or wish would die. Research those your unsure of. Download Malwarebytes (MBAM):, Install, in the left hand column select the "Old Prefetch data" box- leave other defaults checked- click the "Run Cleaner" button (bottom right). When done, go to "Tools"> "Startup" and search through every tab from Windows through Context Menu for suspicious entries, things you don't need, not sure of, click "Disable"(re-enable it later if you need). Select and "Delete" ITEMS YOU WANT DEAD.

- Stacey - 05-02-2014 05:26 AM

Start by deleting all your temporary internet files.
Here are some instructions on how to remove this virus but, to finish the job it will require you to have some free software installed like Spybot SD etc.
This will be good up until step 3 where it asks you to install software.
If you seriously don't want to download any software, be advised this bug will come back until certain registry information relating to your problem.
If you feel competent to do this go ahead but be careful, backup your registry first and know what you delete.
Hope this helps