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What do I do about my friend? - Printable Version

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What do I do about my friend? - Indigo Love! - 05-02-2014 07:16 AM

I feel really hurt by my what I thought was my best friend. He and I have been really close for about 10 years and I'm the one making the calls. The one who's reaching out to him. It will go weeks when I can get a hold of him. He has this one other friend who does drugs parties and is quite frankly a slut. To be honest I think he hangs out with her because she likes to party and I don't. I see him on Facebook posting a bunch of stuff and he has some profile pictures of him and her as well. Last October he went through some heavy shit which I'm not going to say. When he asked his friend if he could stay with him she said you're on your own. I kept in touch with his parents and they did the same to me about his progress afterwords. I thought that everything we went through would bring us closer together but after the holidays it got worse with me doing the reaching out to him. His mom said he had a lot of appointments and was really busy. Which I understand but if hes always on Facebook wouldn't he send me a message saying he will call me back when he can? He did this to me in October. Maybe I'm living in the past by letting him treat me like this but I just feel done with him at this point. How do I tell him about how I feel?

- Macy - 05-02-2014 07:19 AM

Hey, I'm really sorry to hear about this Sadu sound like a amazing friend who totally doesn't deserve this x i would definitely try and talk to him, mabye send him ssomething on Facebook or even better try and talk to him in person. Think about what your going to say beforehand. Mention how u were really hurt by his actions and stuff. He probably wasn't that aware of how you felt. Its up to u if u want to say friends with him, can u still trust him? i was in the same ish situation and i sent a long paragraph explained how hurt i was. We didn't talk for a awhilw but Then he came around and was sorry. We talk now a bit but i guess After you talk to someone in that way, it can either really streghthen or really weaken your friendship, thats kinda the reality u need to face up to. So anyways try to talk to him face to face, really try because thats alwaya best. I wish u the best of luck xx