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Sendori Help Please? - Printable Version

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Sendori Help Please? - 582 - 05-02-2014 10:42 AM


i accidentally got sendori (oopsie) and well anytime i search for anything in chrome, a screen saying "no data recieved" pops up

also it rediercts me to*what ever i searched here*&p=21701

i tried seeing if sendori was installed in chrome, it wasn't

i tried seeing if sendori was installed on my computer, it wasn't

i uninstalled programs that were known to package sendori and we're still fucking here.

since i can't search anything i can't really install anything to fix this damn piece of shit.

soooooo, is there anything i can do? or am i totally fucked?

- James - 05-02-2014 10:58 AM


If you want to remove Sendori, look for its entry on Add/Remove Programs list. For that:

Click Start -> Control Panel -> Programs (or Add/Remove Programs) -> Uninstall a Program.
Here, look for Sendori and similar entries and select 'Uninstall/Change'.
Click OK to save the changes.

After that, get rid of its add-on from each of your web browsers:

Internet Explorer:

Open Internet Explorer, go ‘Tools‘ -> ”Manage Add-ons’ -> ‘Toolbars and Extensions’.
Here, look for Sendori and click 'uninstall'.

Mozilla Firefox:

Open Mozilla Firefox, go ‘Tools’ -> ‘Add-ons’ -> ‘Extensions’.
Find Sendori and click ‘Uninstall’.

Google Chrome:

Click the Chrome menu button on the Google Chrome browser, select Tools -> Extensions.
Here, look for Sendori extension and get rid of it by clicking on the Recycle Bin.

- Abhishek - 05-02-2014 11:14 AM‎

use this . this helped me too .