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Is H1, H2, H3 important for SEO? - Printable Version

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Is H1, H2, H3 important for SEO? - tropicalconsulting - 05-02-2014 01:20 PM

Does Search Engines check the H1, H2 or H3 header tags and how important is that in SEO?

- Nik - 05-02-2014 01:21 PM

As long as you code them correctly they are of little use to a search engine the only thing they may do is take the first header for display information. As for effecting your results I doubt there is any concern.

- Your Shadow - 05-02-2014 01:36 PM

Should be used correctly so as to code semantically correct as well as syntactically correct.

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- Yamuna R - 05-02-2014 01:48 PM

H1,H2,H3 tagis important for search engines friendly. These tags help to read content easily to search engines.

- Jane - 05-02-2014 01:53 PM

In the larger scheme of things, they have limited weightage. But it is just one of many things to do right to succeed. All these together convey what the page is about when Google tries to match a search query with a website.

So a well structured page will convey this more clearly than a not so well structured page. In that sense, using H1, H2, H3 correctly is important. But that in itself will have some influence in your rankings depending on how competitive the search query is.