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Is this possible to share the internet connection to a laptop computer in this way? - Printable Version

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Is this possible to share the internet connection to a laptop computer in this way? - Peter - 05-02-2014 03:24 PM

Currently my desktop computer connects to the internet through ADSL, and I have a USB wifi adapter connected to it. I also have a laptop computer which has built-in wifi adapter. Both of them are using WinXP, how can I actually share my desktop's internet connection to my laptop?

What settings should be done on these computers respectively?

Thank you very much for your help.

- J~Mac - 05-02-2014 03:29 PM

The easiest way is to buy a router and let the router share the internet connection.

- Khushi - 05-02-2014 03:41 PM

just open the network connections and on desktop and on the adsl connection enable Internet Connection Sharing.

then goto the laptop and in the wifi settigs the default gateway and dns should be the ip address of the desktop compiter and that all there is to it ok.


- Peter - 05-02-2014 03:46 PM

Easy. Windows has a feature called "Internet Connection Sharing." It essentially lets your windows computer act as a router to let other computers connect to the internet. You'll need to set up an Ad Hoc wireless connection between your laptop and desktop (Google that if you don't know how... It depends on your wifi adapter model, so I can't give you specific directions).

Use this as a guide on setting up Internet Connection Sharing:

Good luck!

- DaveEC - 05-02-2014 04:01 PM

Do I have this right? The ADSL goes to the internet via a phone line. The ADLS modem has a USB wifi adapter attached to the ADLS modem. Then the desktop is connected to the modem via a usb cable? or wifi?
In any case the laptop should see the wifi and let you connect to it.

The wifi will have a name (the SSID) and may have a password. You would have to know both and tell the wizard (Start, My Networks, Set up Wireless Network) both of those from the laptop to connect.