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How to get traffic for my online store? - Printable Version

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How to get traffic for my online store? - nemesis - 05-02-2014 03:44 PM

I'm new to this kind of thing, I have an online store but I only get around 10 visitors per day. How do I draw in more visitors into my website?

- Jake - 05-02-2014 03:53 PM

Serious businesses use paid advertising to get their traffic, such traffic can be scaled much more quickly effectively limited only by budget. Advertising can be your biggest single expense, but like bigger sites you can see it as a long term investment, breaking even on the first sale to a new customer is a victory, from which you profit when they return without prompting to make more buys.

site having to pay for each visitor pay a lot more attention to the conversion rate of their site, it's not unusual to have a 1% conversion rate, making sales to only 1% of visitors, if that can be doubled, the effective cost of advertising is halved.

Examining advertising reports, those individual banner ads that had been shown 100 Million times were all on the Google ad network.

- YahooDeana - 05-02-2014 04:04 PM

You need to mention the kind of product you're selling but you might try an EBay store.
But to learn basic SEO as I did, read up on it. A good one is "SEO Organics" available online.