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Is going on my ex gfs fb account a bad idea? when im not over her? - Printable Version

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Is going on my ex gfs fb account a bad idea? when im not over her? - 935 - 05-02-2014 03:54 PM

We have been together for a really long time and weve split a few times and i think this time its final

And i guessed her fb pass i cant help but wanna look and see if she met someone new or see if she misses me etc

But i think im taki g a chance of seeing something i wont wanna see

Any advice

- Cheri - 05-02-2014 03:55 PM

Don't do it. You'll be invading her privacy and like you said, you might find something you're not ready to see. Curiosity killed the cat, remember?

- Selena - 05-02-2014 04:00 PM

oh man, this is very bad. I mean i didn't even have my ex's password but i would obsessively visit his profile a few times a day (at the begining of our breakup)..and that was already pretty bad because i assumed any and all girls posting on his FB were potential new gfs...anyway, point is i made myself sick with it. i eventually removed him from fb for the sake of my sanity, but then started asking a mutual friend to keep me updated until she eventually told me to snap out of it and refused to provide me with any more details.
so yes you're on slippery grounds, the best thing for u to do is to actually email her yourself..orrr have someone hint to her that she should probably change her password. this would ensure that you do not have access to it.

- Giselle - 05-02-2014 04:02 PM

Don't do it. But of course, If I say don't do it, you will anyway. But... remember curiosity killed the cat. What do you want to see? What will you gain by logging in? You will just hurt yourself more if you keep looking at her fb page or checking it. It is like picking a scab and not letting it heal. It will just get worse and worse until its infected and rotten. So its up to you. Do it and get it over with, but be aware you're hurting yourself more. or just Don't do it and forget about it. go distract yourself and play a game or something. but not resident evil cause it might give you nightmares. Well Good luck! hope this helped.

- AwesomeTumbler - 05-02-2014 04:09 PM

Don't, She is your ex for a reason. Its time to get over her and find a better girl that can love you even better than she did

- xray babe - 05-02-2014 04:20 PM

im doing sort of the same, i broke up with my ex (but kept him as a friend on fb-so i could see his activity) and i can't leave fb alone now cause i want to see if he "moves on" he doesnt ever post so i know i won't see how he feels. my advice is don't do it. its an invasion of privacy and disrespectful to her. chances are you wont see anything that makes it all worth it in the end anyways.... at least i haven't.

- elizabeth - 05-02-2014 04:28 PM

Don't look. first off, that's creepy. She doesn't love you and you're not ready to move on think of why she broke it off. work on those that you have to approve a relationship with and then delete all messages with her and think about how this helped you and how you won't be dwelling with this. Find/meet someone new that can fulfill your wishes of having a successful relationship! Smile hope i helped, move on and don't look

- The Man - 05-02-2014 04:33 PM

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Not for her privacy, but for your sanity.
I was in this exact position, and I looked.
I saw that she was going out with a person I trusted, but he split us up and went after her.
Could you handle seeing her dating someone else?
Bottom line, I looked, and I regret it.
Haven't looked in 4 months, don't want to.
It's time to start moving on.

- thisgirl - 05-02-2014 04:35 PM

Don't do it. Just stay away from her fb in general, don't even go to her page, and seriously don't login to it. If it's final this time then it's final. I can't promise you you'll get over her by not going on it, but I can say that, that would make it worse. I'm really sorry, I know you're curious but it's best.

- Meloney - 05-02-2014 04:50 PM

Though there is a lot of negative points, though maybe you should, I mean maybe it will give you some sort of closure which will help you get over her, though then again you may see or read something that makes this situation worse, good luck...