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Was I harsh for calling my friend a slut? Please read? - Printable Version

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Was I harsh for calling my friend a slut? Please read? - Cool J - 05-02-2014 06:10 PM

I called my this girl I know a slut. I knew this girl like for a year we chatted couple times on Facebook and on whatsapp. Her pics on Facebook were normal average nice pics like a selfie with her sitting down but now her pics are more slutty. In her pics now she is always showing skin like cleavage, stomach or wearing mini skirts, laying down, duck face etc. Now she is so full of her self. This girl literally change her profile pic like 4-5 times a day always a new photo. The likes she gets on her pics probably got to her head. She is talking to more guys now especially like those swagger type guys. She skypes with guys that lives in different cities and all. My friend knew her and he added her on Facebook and they chatted. He said she told him that she had 9 boyfriends in her life. Btw she 20. Told I chatted with her I told that she is full of herself and becoming a slut. She blocked and deleted me. I can't stand vain girls

- Alison - 05-02-2014 06:12 PM

nope you were honest, someone needed to tell her that
and you did her a favor by doing it

and if she rly blocked you and stuff for that then she's no friend

- Lulu - 05-02-2014 06:22 PM

She's obviously advertising something you're not buying. That said, it's NEVER okay to call a girl a slut, or anything else. She wants attention but is going about it the wrong way.

Move on and don't involve her in your life again. Good luck to you.

- - 05-02-2014 06:27 PM

No. I mean it might of felt that way for the girl but..she got exactly what she deserved. I know exactly what kind of girls you are talking about and what you said is the truth. The vain "must show my boobs" kind of girls are sex seekers. I mean why else would they be showing sexual parts of their body to the public? Those kind of people have no self respect, its pretty sad.

Also, there are going to most likely be some other people answering here who will chew you out for asking this. Please don't feel bad when they do that. Most people try to make excuses for bad things they've done themselves by saying its okay to do. Especially when they are talking about someone else.

- geetarman56 - 05-02-2014 06:39 PM

Well, you were wrong calling her a slut. A slut is a girl who actually goes out and has casual sex with numerous guys for the feeling sex gives her and doesn't care what people think of her for doing it. She may have been a bit promiscuous or a bit of a self-centered person, but not a slut. I think you owe her an apology.