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What is a good online store name? - Printable Version

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What is a good online store name? - Christian - 05-02-2014 07:24 PM

I want to make an account. However I can't seem to think of a good store name. I will be selling all sorts of vintage items mostly vintage cameras. Serious answers only please and thank you!

- PRADEESH.P Anayam - 05-02-2014 07:37 PM


- Tommy - 05-02-2014 07:46 PM

Hi Christian,

If it is an online store, a good name would be something related to what you are selling and includes good keywords related to your business. You should visit and check out keyword competition level and search volume. Choose one with low competition, high search and related to your business.

You can also use other tools such as Market Samurai to do the search. Up to you but Google is free

Why Keyword Research? You want your online store to be found "online" therefore, include keywords people are searching for so they can find you.