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What online business should I start? - Printable Version

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What online business should I start? - Mason Goldberg - 10-15-2012 09:27 PM

I'm 15 and would like to start earning real adult cash (50k-100k a year). I don't want to do affiliate marketing or anything like that. I really would like to start my own online company. I want to provide a service to businesses or people.

One idea is to start a social media marketing firm, where I create basic websites for small businesses who are not yet online (like using, and I could also create and manage facebook/twitter pages for companies and help advertise them using social media.

Another idea is to start an online music distribution service company. A site called Tunecore lets you sell songs on iTunes and other music stores. I would provide a service to new bands/artists where I could use Tunecore to sell their music, while also advertising their band/music online by creating sites and/or social media marketing.

The last idea I found was a free website script i came across that creates a website where bands can share their music and listeners can rate, listen, share, etc. The problem is, I would be competing with big names such as Myspace Music and

Do you think any of these ideas could make me a lot of money (50k-100k a year)? Any other ideas for an online company that could be profitable? Thanks. I've been researching for two years, but still can't find that perfect thing to start. Maybe one of my new ideas above could be the one. What do you think?

- Orbit Gum - 10-15-2012 09:36 PM

on going through your question above, since i find that you are good at computers you can also try selling domain names and hosting services to your local web developers, it is indeed lucrative, i have one such business with

- Social Media PRO - 10-15-2012 09:36 PM

Online marketing is one of the best options to start.

- Karlaling89 - 10-15-2012 09:36 PM

Few web design tips

Ease of use for your site visitors
Use it as a marketing tool, not for beauty contest
Try to avoid flashy banner it's just a big empty space for the search engines
Sounds if your sole purpose is just to make it cool. Use sounds to assist your site visitor
Have a Mobile version of site (if budget permits it) remember there is continuous growth of mobile users
Marketing Arsenal

SEO / SEM - Feed the Search Engine Gods. Google, Yahoo and Bing brings you new blood so feed them what they want. Learn this or hire someone to do it.
RSS - Just think of this as your machine gun, you pull the trigger once and off your website contents go all over the place.
Videos - If you have videos about your product or your company, spread them across the net. Use "YouTube Alternatives" in Google and you'll get more video sharing platform.
Social Media - Facebook is on top of the game, just sign up or have someone do it for you. Then start searching for every person you can think of. This alone can explode your business growth
E-mail - Hate Spam Mail? We all do, so make sure people subscribe to your list before you send them email. Visit sign up and start watching the videos, its' easy.

- Delaney Nelson - 10-15-2012 09:36 PM

Are you Afraid of Success

Let me Scare you to Death