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How do you make your store/office more involved in the community? - Printable Version

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How do you make your store/office more involved in the community? - ♥Stephanie♥ - 10-15-2012 09:27 PM

We are a computer/satellite/guitar store and we would like to get more involved in our community so we can be more well known and to get more buisness of course.
-We already have free computer classes to help people understand the functions of a computer.
-We go to parades and festivals to go marketing.
-We have a facebook page.

We were wondering what else we can do to get involved so people will reconize us and want to come to our store.
Thanks in advance!
10 pts to best and most explained and detailed answer!
Here is the facebook page hopefully you can see it and give me advice!

- prouddoctor699 - 10-15-2012 09:36 PM

Put signs up on the road? Better yet, get a billboard.. Go around and pass out flyers in people's mailboxes? Those ideas are just to promote your business. I'm not really sure about how you could get involved.. Sorry if I didn't help much, as this really isn't my forte becuase I'm only 15 lol..