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Where to find good SEO's from CHINA at a competitive rate? - Printable Version

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Where to find good SEO's from CHINA at a competitive rate? - 543 - 05-03-2014 02:00 AM

I own a website and have had an ongoing SEO campaign; my website reached page 1 of Google for our main phrase but we weren't completely satisfied with our SEO. We went through freelancer and hired a guy from Pakistan. He worked really hard, but didn't quite meet our expectations. Were trying to find somebody in China hopefully because from talking to people, workers from China work UNTIL THE JOB IS DONE, unlike workers from the US. Know of any sites where we can get the Chinese to bid on my project or any outsourcing sites besides Odesk, elance or freelancer? Any input helps, thanks!

- Alex - 05-03-2014 02:13 AM

It seems that if you reached page one is pretty good! The thing you have to remember is that someone may be able to get you to the first spot on google, but if you get "sand boxed" that's it! See there is what we call black hat and white hat methods of SEO. What you want to do is climb slowly in the ranks using legitimate methods and not trying to trick google. If they use the black hat methods and they will catch on your investment will be for nothing. You can rank for a lower competitive keyword quickly but you need to do it right. SEO is a monthly and sometimes daily progression not an overnight concept.

- Anuj Kumar - 05-03-2014 02:24 AM

not necessarily china, even in India, people work uptill the commitment is not achieved
i know of a company called SIB Infotech, They have a moneyback guarantee scheme as well
You can try them