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Why is my websites title/description not showing up in google search? - Printable Version

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Why is my websites title/description not showing up in google search? - 838 - 05-03-2014 05:36 AM

Okay, so I made a new website a few days ago, and to see if I was indexed I typed in my new websites' URL into google. But all that is showing up in google in is my websites URL and not the title or description. I am still pretty new at building websites, but my previous websites never did this... Any Ideas?

I use wordpress and all in one SEO and XML sitemap

- seamus1066 - 05-03-2014 05:43 AM

It all depends on how often Google's bots scan Wordpress servers.....If they only scan it once a week it will take a week or so for Google to find it and index it. Also the more people who visit your site and or link to your site the higher your web site will be on their list.

One other thing is the Keywords you have listed within your code. The better you describe your site with Keywords the higher your site will be listed when someone Google's using the Keywords you have in your code.

- Greg - 05-03-2014 05:56 AM

If you are using wordpress you have to make sure the meta description of the site is installed which is a plugin you can get for free. This can happen with wordpress from time to time.

Find the plugin "meta description", and that should help.

- Jake - 05-03-2014 05:57 AM

Google finds that information in the meta description and meta title programmed into normal sites. The all in one SEO plugin is supposed to give you wordpress site the same header information, but it is up to you to fill in the added fields for each page.

To view the plugin effect from Google's point of view, look for meta lines in your browser's view page source display on a viewed page (not edit page)

Here's a meta code line from an Answers index:
<meta name="title" content="Answer | Open Advertising & Marketing Questions – Yahoo! Answers">

While at it, be sure to chance the permalink settings to something like, Custom: /%postname%/ to get more seo benefit out of the URL.

- janeline ♥ - 05-03-2014 06:05 AM

Maybe you didn't make an on page optimization. In here, you customize title tags and meta description which are seen in google.

- Igor - 05-03-2014 06:21 AM

you should check this new google panda update it will help you a lot to get good ranking

- SarahSahara - 05-03-2014 06:26 AM

"Google's attempts to match snippets to queries don't always work the way you'd like, but in general they're a good thing. Matching, bolded keywords drive click-throughs, and people rarely read the whole text of a snippet. If it’s just a couple of long-tail queries, don't worry about it."

source below