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Internet Connection? - Printable Version

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Internet Connection? - 587 - 05-03-2014 06:35 AM

I use Norton Anti-virus thing for my internet (i have dial up) and it takes a LONG time to connect and when it finally does it's extremely slow. then i'd be on the internet and it would disconnect me for no reason so i'd have to connect ALL over again! the computer is pretty new too, flat screen and a windows XP but it's so slow. is there anyway i can change my internet connection from Norton to something else with out going thru the company or something? like gwi or fbx or something? cuz this is getting pretty annoying any answer would be appreciated thank you!
that was my bad guys. i use thing. i just think that norton is a source of the F****** problem anyway. thanks for answering more help would be appreciated!!!!

- Ian - 05-03-2014 06:39 AM

i cant believe anyone still trusts norton these days. just uninstall that trash, and if you can, dload AOL Active Virus Shield from sites like its actually better than norton coz it doesnt slow down your pc's performance as it doesnt eat much of your system's resources. and it can actually detect viruses real-time and protect your computer from all kinds of threats.

- tagman28 - 05-03-2014 06:43 AM

Norton Antivirus is an Antivirus program. I don't know how you could be using that for an internet connection. You would have to have a seperate internet connection. But if you are using dial-up is the slowest internet ever. That is a fact and not an opinion. Just try getting a new internet service provider that should help!