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Girls, some help: how do I take it from here with this girl? - Printable Version

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Girls, some help: how do I take it from here with this girl? - 951 - 05-03-2014 09:33 AM

I'm 19 and met this girl at a party, we were bit drunk and kissed. She didn't seem drunk, but she did say like I was really good looking, smell good, sexy and she didn't like saying good bye and wanted ordinary kisses.

Well, after 2 days we spoke a bit on fb chat about the party, she had no regrets but she said she hardly remember bcos 'she was so drunk' while wasn't completely the case..don't know why she would say that..

Then we hadn't spoken for a week and then we spoke for a few hours on fb chat and then again nothing, until she after few days apologised for not talking to me and then we talked a bit again.

Aaaand now nothing for 1,5 week. I like her a bit, but I neither know how to suddenly start talking to her after such a long time of no speaking... Any advice? I quite like her..

- Liz - 05-03-2014 09:42 AM

Girls like romantic gestures and to take it at a steady pace. Maybe ask her if she wants to go to the cinema or somewhere and buy her flowers maybe. Ask her how she is and listen because it's nice when boys listen

- Tracee - 05-03-2014 09:55 AM

Well, honestly...I would shoot her a message saying something along the lines of 'hey, its been a while, how have you been?' and when she replies tell her you would like to see her again, just as friends (trust me), even suggest it being more than just you two when you hang out, so she doesnt feel pressured...when your around her, you can drop her subtle hints that you like her and see how she reacts...the hardest thing with this is that your situation started with she either secretly really likes you and is, for some reason, embarrassed about what happened, or it was something that was alcohol induced and she is scared she gave you the wrong impression (obviously, she was kissing you)....let her get to know you as a friend before you try and jump into a relationship with her..she will respect you WAYY more for that than if you just try and hop into bed with her, ya know? Give it a shot...worst thats going to happen is she isn't going to share the same feelings for you, which is never easy but you will make sounds like your a pretty good guy to me!

- mando - 05-03-2014 09:57 AM

honestly, at this point, she seems interested in you. Talk to her more but less over social media and more in person! As well, get her number and ask her to hang out!

Good luck! and thanks for answering my question!