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How many FB friends do you have, Vs. How many in real life? - Printable Version

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How many FB friends do you have, Vs. How many in real life? - DiamondDust - 05-03-2014 11:52 AM

And do you think it's sad to have 200 friends? I'm moderately popular in real life, and my friends always have 600+ FB friends!? WTF.

- Apollonia - 05-03-2014 11:54 AM

i know everyone has more fb friends than real friends

- 694 - 05-03-2014 11:57 AM

160 friends, and like, 5 friends in real life (3 are real friends the other two are just eh). And no, it's not sad.

- Cigano Cowgirl - 05-03-2014 12:07 PM

I have about 230 FB friends and I think that's a good amount.. I don't like when people have like 1,000 because theres no way they know who half those people even are.

- Mrj - 05-03-2014 12:15 PM

FB friends - 0, don't have a Facebook

Real life - idk, 20ish

- Zint - 05-03-2014 12:31 PM

I have over 1100 FB friends, but I only have one friend in real life

Those so called 'fb friends' aren't really my friends anyway.

- Annamarie . - 05-03-2014 12:45 PM

I have 34 friends on facebook.
600+? I think it's sad to have that many on facebook. It's not like you really know/are friends with all those people. It's just a popularity contest to make people feel better about their pathetic lives. At least I'm close to everyone on my friends list.

- Cate - 05-03-2014 12:51 PM

fb friends- 131
real life friends- 2 only... my most trusted friends.

- I Wumbo - 05-03-2014 01:06 PM

The quantity of friends doesn't matter to me- it's the quality.. as cliche as that sounds.

No, it's not sad. Most of my 'friends' have over 1,000 I only have about like 240?
I only have about 20 friends I really have meaningful conversations with in my school/spend time with. I have others from different towns- and I have a lot of 'acquaintances' whom I talk to briefly in class or have a casual laugh or conversation with.

Pft, we have our whole lives to make new friends. People come and go everyday.. and the people that stick with you are your true friends.

Facebook is a popularity contest. I wouldn't know what it's like to be 'popular' nor do I aim to be.

- 624 - 05-03-2014 01:10 PM

110 FB friends

10 friends in real life.