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How so I ask my fiancé for her FB password? - Printable Version

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How so I ask my fiancé for her FB password? - 737 - 05-03-2014 12:31 PM

Before I get some crazy "you stalker" answers, read first. Me and my fiancé are living almost 2k miles apart recently due to some circumstances beyond our control. About a month ago, we gave each other the login and password information to each other's FB. We want everything to be open and honest, so we both know neither of us is hiding anything from the other. I have never looked into hers, and as far as I know, she has never looked into mine. It was always just a comfort that we both could if we wanted. Last night we got into a huge fight over a misunderstanding (had nothing to do with FB) she went out, I went out. She would not answer me for almost 4 hours and I got upset and said some pretty mean stuff trying to get a response (won't go into details), but in my drunkeness last night, I decided I was gonna look at her FB and it said the password I was using was an old password. So I know she changed it. My question is, how do I ask her for the password again without sounding like I don't trust her?

- Tim - 05-03-2014 12:41 PM

She doesn't want you to see it.....makes ya wonder doesn't it??? People hide things when they don't want to get embarrassed and the more you ask the more verbal she'll get. I'd prepare for the worst or just ask why??? If she stutters and mumbles or rambles on about "you don't trust me"...then you shouldn't. The ball's in your court now. Something's fishy here and it ain't the chicken. Prepare thyself for the worst my she has another crush on someone besides're doing something she doesn't like and she doesn't want you to SEE it. I smell trouble. Good luck.

- honesty - 05-03-2014 12:50 PM

Just be honest and ask her, pray before you do....

Or you can simply change your password until she ask for yours and then you can ask her for hers

Or you can change your password and text her and say "here's my new password to my fb I changed it because I was mad and then she'll probably give you her new one

- netanya - 05-03-2014 01:03 PM

First of all, be prepared for the worst, not saying she's done anything bad, but you can never be too sure. Sit down with her, or when you both aren't busy if you can't see each other, call her and explain to her that you do trust her, but want the comfort you thought you already had. Tell her you'll inform her if and when you look on her facebook so she doesn't feel smothered. Trust me, she's a girl and has gone on out facebook 849372629 times, I'm a girl too, and that's just what we do. I wish you luck, just be real with her and explain your feelings! Us girls love that.