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How to get a bigger butt? - Printable Version

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How to get a bigger butt? - 583 - 05-03-2014 01:06 PM

I'm 5 foot 6 and about 113lbs and 16 years old and I'm super skinny and narrow hips . And I really want a bigger butt I'm doing squats but those only lift and I want a fatter butt. Are there any foods I can eat or exercises I can do to get a bigger butt and how long will it take?

- . - 05-03-2014 01:22 PM

You need to follow the exercise regime of a famous Instagram celebrity named Jen Selter.

- Michael - 05-03-2014 01:25 PM

You need to understand that maybe in your genetics you have less fat stored near your bum. Most girls who have big bums are over weight and fat is stored in higher concentration. I hope you know getting over weight is not worth it to have a big ass lol. But if you want to obtain a bigger bum there are exercises. The bum muscle is called the gluteus maximus. Muscles of the thigh are mainly the hamstring and the quadriceps muscles. Main simple exercises to make these muscles grow and tone are.
Leg curls
Leg extension
Leg press
Hip abducters
If you want mass then stick to a solid weight with three sets. In your last rep of each workout you should barely be able to do it. If you do these workouts properly, trust me you'll know. At first it'll be very painful or uncomfortable the next couple days after tearing the muscle fibers but in the meantime intake alot of protein and water to repair the fibers for them to grow. Basically work your ass off and eat good. Goodlu