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Is he paying too close attention to my fb page? - Printable Version

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Is he paying too close attention to my fb page? - May - 10-15-2012 09:30 PM

If someone knows a status that you put on facebook months ago, and you can't even remember the status yourself and you're the one who posted it. Also, if they ask you who is "the boy" that commented on your picture(3 seconds ago), and commented on your status a month ago. Also knows exactly when you update info, and the info is not even posted on your newsfeed.

- lesstudent - 10-15-2012 09:38 PM

yes way to close , can we say STOCKKEERR!!!!

- elizabeth - 10-15-2012 09:38 PM


- Amanda - 10-15-2012 09:38 PM

Yes.. that screams stalker to me..

- Emily - 10-15-2012 09:38 PM


- booo! - 10-15-2012 09:38 PM

Obviously, yeah. But, the question really should be: is he interested in you? I know some people who are natural face-creepers. They know what everyone is doing, who said what, who said it when, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they 'like' them; just means they are information-seekers (for whatever reason). If you are uncomfortable by it you can block him from your status updates or parts of your profile (I know facebook as different options for that). If it doesn't bother you doesn't (lol).