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What To Expect on Top Page of Google From SEO? - Printable Version

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What To Expect on Top Page of Google From SEO? - 839 - 05-03-2014 04:31 PM

I own a website mail order business, and I have been investing incessantly in SEO for almost a year. We are knocking at the door of page 1 of Google for several highly trafficked phrases. My partner and I both have full time jobs, and are wondering what to expect from people who have actually experienced the effects of SEO on their business and when to begin preparing. We get orders sporadically as of now and are wondering what will happen, will traffic and orders start gushing in all at once or will we gradually pick up steam as we get phrases on page 1? Also, will just being on page 1 get us good traffic/sales, or must we we towards the top of page 1? Thanks for your advice in advance!

- Jake - 05-03-2014 04:36 PM

The first position on page one gets about 35% of all search clicks (depending on what study you consult) 90% of all search clicks are on page one, typically for each 2 result position improvement on page one, your clicks for that keyword will double.

There's a graph here:

Things can get sudden;y more difficult when you fight for page 1 positions, if you have not yet dome so it might be worth doing com competitive intelligence collection, for one, have a look at the number of backlinks the top ranked sites have using one of the tools like: (Except this Domain, All Pages options)

- LaTonya - 05-03-2014 04:44 PM

that actually depends on the keyword phrase. what are people searching for when they type that phrase. looking to purchase, look around, or just research. for example if you are ranked number one for the phrase size xl black t-shirt, that is most likely someone looking to purchase that item. but if your ranked for "t-shirts" you could expect a lot more traffic but many may not be buyers.

most online businesses use seo and paid ads as a method to generate leads and sales. for example. use google adwords to generate instant traffic to your site. if your site has an opt-in form then you can capture some of your traffic and build an email list of leads to send premium content e-newsletters to and other relationship building efforts. over time your email list can grow while your generating sales from those people via your premium content.

use seo to help you rank for a number of buyer type keyword phrases. once you reach the top you can relax on spending as much on paid traffic because your starting to generate free traffic.

just being on page 1 is not good enough. your site must deliver in relevancy, your landing page should have a strong call to action feature on it, you should constantly add authority to your pages.

do not neglect the social aspect to ranking since google now judges a page by it's social strength too.

- 558 - 05-03-2014 04:45 PM

Getting on google first page for highly searched keywords brings along a lot of ways you could monetize the website and get good money.