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does this mean something? - Printable Version

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does this mean something? - Renee - 05-03-2014 07:19 PM

Been talking to a guy at work for a few weeks now. We first met at a work bday party for a coworker and I caught him staring at me and smiled at him. He added me on fb and we've been talking on there alot. He asked me to dinner last week and the next night, he went to happy hour with me & some friends. During happy hour-he sat close, leaned his head against mine, and put his face against mine when we hugged goodbye.

Im off work for a week now and we've made plans to see a movie when I get back. We've been talking on fb all day today. I did notice though that he stopped liking my stuff on fb & doesnt comment on my posts that bad??

- Christine - 05-03-2014 07:31 PM

Maybe he is just trying to play it cool?!

- Drew - 05-03-2014 07:34 PM

Maybe he doesn't have quite as much time to scroll through everything on facebook and like/comment on everything you post? Or maybe he was doing it to see what your reaction was to see if you liked him and he didn't get the reaction he was looking for?

I am a male, and we are usually the ones asking if a girl likes us. Women do a lot of things that guys take as flirting when in fact they are just being nice. So when women do things and are being flirty, sometimes men are hesitant to take it as a sign.

Hugs between two people that are not "together" can tell you a lot. First, I will say this is NOT 100% accurate, and is NOT scientific in any way. However this works for me more often than not. If you have the chance to hug him again, let him move in for the hug first. Are both his arms "on the bottom", i.e. around your waist, with both your arms around his neck? Or is one of him arms low around your waist and the other high around your neck/shoulder? (I call this the "lean" hug because you have to slightly lean to the side to make it work) Most people that hug a friend this way. If he goes for both arms low, there may be more interest.
Second, when he hugs you, don't be the first to release the hug. If it lasts only a couple seconds, it isn't really an "interest" hug. If he holds you for several seconds (like 7-10 or even more), it may mean more.
If you get both the low arms and a long hug, it may mean he is a little shy or unsure of your intentions. It sounds to me that he is interested, but maybe the signals you are giving back are leading him to believe you are not interested? I would suggest that since you have already been out to dinner, and had some physical contact when out with your friends, you may want to step up and ask him out. Doesn't have to be anything serious, but see if he wants to go to dinner again. When walking from the car to the restaurant, reach out and grab his hand and see what his reaction is. If he pulls it away and says "hey, whats up with that" you can always play it off as a joke. If he holds back, I think you may have something there.

- Matt - 05-03-2014 07:51 PM

No, it's doesn't have to be a bad thing that he stopped liking your stuff on FB. There are many reasons why he could of stopped and you don't have any evidence for one of them. Considering he talked to you ALL DAY on FB counteracts all bad reasons why he stopped. It's a good thing that he was talking to you so don't fret and think positive, because there is someone that likes you a lot.

- Amber - 05-03-2014 08:02 PM

No that's great! When a guy starts to like you a lot, they will stop liking your stuff just to act like there not obsessed with you...when really they're crushing on you hard Smile you guys talking all day on FB indicates that he likes you, for him to even take the time out to search and add you on FB shows also Smile I'm excited for you!