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My friend told me his birthday was last month but after checking his facebook he said it was yesterday on his wall. Did - Printable Version

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My friend told me his birthday was last month but after checking his facebook he said it was yesterday on his wall. Did - 442 - 05-03-2014 07:44 PM

He told me he wanted to be alone for his birthday. I'm not sure he lied to me or if he is lying to his facebook friends. He has lied about other things on his facebook like he claims to have a better job then he really does. I dont want to call him out on it. Do you think he'd lie about his birthday to not want to hangout? We have know each other for about 5 months and this relationship is platonic.

- Kymani Jennings - 05-03-2014 07:57 PM

Call his mom.

- j frye - 05-03-2014 08:04 PM

Sounds like he is a liar in general. Find new friends.

- barthebear - 05-03-2014 08:13 PM

That is sad what you said about how he claims to have a better job than he really does. Facebook is great but also it has problems like what you experienced. I would continue to be his friend, knowing that this exists with him and no, dont call him on it. Just consider it being informed about him. I would continue your relationship off line rather than on facebook.

- Vince - 05-03-2014 08:23 PM

He's lying. But its not his fault. It seems like he has major daddy issues? Have you met his father? Are you his father?

- Rodney - 05-03-2014 08:37 PM

Sounds like he lies about alot of things i would forget about him.