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Signs He Is NOT Into Me? - Printable Version

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Signs He Is NOT Into Me? - Rachel - 05-03-2014 09:39 PM

-I met him a few months ago. The first time we hung out he ditched his friends to come with me and my group. His friend said, "Whoever he ditched us for she must have been absolutely beautiful (meaning me)."
-The first time we hung out is when I gave him my number. I'm not sure if he called because my phone broke a week later.
-I see him around school a lot now. His friends seem to know who I am. Two of his good friends went out of their way to befriend me.
-I saw him the other day waiting to cross the street (at school) and I was talking to a guy. As soon as he saw me he looked down on the floor.

I do admit the last two times I saw him I was acting stand offish. The reason why is because I was waiting for him to make a move.

Today I saw him and he just waved hello and avoided eye contact with me while I was talking to his friend. Girls go after him a lot. There's one particular girl all over his Facebook who is absolutely stunning. I don't think I'm unattractive but I think my "selling point" is my personality

- OhHarrow - 05-03-2014 09:46 PM

Guys like to play games. It's a little hard. Sometimes when you give them a lot of attention they tend to walk away.

answer mine

- Die In Fire - 05-03-2014 09:49 PM

If he avoided contact when you waved hello obviously there is something up, lol if he keeps it up just ignore him, he'll eventually will be begging for your attention.

- george - 05-03-2014 09:54 PM

He definitely likes you. Believe it or not, guys talk more about girls they like than anything else.

- Noah - 05-03-2014 10:10 PM

Ah, I see what you are feeling. Most men are actually afraid of making the first move, including me. If I were you, I'd try and ask him the first time to go watch a movie or something as a friend, but don't say that. Walk up and say "Hey, I was just wondering, but would you want to go watch a movie with me (Say day here)" If he replies with a smile and excited, then I'm sure he'd be okay with the idea of you 2 dating. If he seems like he's not all that interested, but still says yes, he may be playing, so don't take it seriously, and you'll see the real him at the movies. He may try and make a move on you, so try not to get caught off guard. Don't say that, you're beautiful, inside and out. Nobody is ugly. I'm sure you will do fine. If he's like me, he'll need a little bit of encouragment to make the move, so kind of lean your head on his shoulder or something. If he put's his arm around you, I'm sure he's got a crush on you. If he went out of his way to talk to you, and ditch his friends, I'm 100% totally sure he likes you. If I like a girl and she's walking with another guy, I get self concious, so try and make it seem like you and the other guys are just friends. Maybe walk farther apart than normal, or don't make a lot of eye contact with the other guys. Make a lot of eye contact with him to make him sure you like him. Good luck! Smile

- Sheeelaa - 05-03-2014 10:12 PM

Its very hard to be attractive and fit in with other attractive people. Too much jealousy comes into play. This guy is playin hard to get as he hasn't figured out what he wants from you yet. Be on guard . Maybe he is a nice person and doesn't want to start something that will hurt you in the end. What do you think he wants from you❓companionship❓arm candy❓sex❓

- RaNdOm - 05-03-2014 10:27 PM

He's a player. He's NOT worth your time!

Answer mine, please?

- murali reddy - 05-03-2014 10:36 PM