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How to share the internet connection of a p.c using windows xp home o.s? - Printable Version

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How to share the internet connection of a p.c using windows xp home o.s? - Aris C - 05-04-2014 03:04 AM

I have two p.c one is using win xp proffesional & the other one is using win xp home,they are connected through Lan via crossover cable how can I let the p.c using the xp prof o.s share the internet connection of the p.c having a win xp home o.s?

- vinni - 05-04-2014 03:15 AM

the operating system is not a concern. try doing this:

- Colinc - 05-04-2014 03:29 AM

Use the network connection wizard to set up internet connection sharing on the wan (internet connection).
On the other machine use it to set up that the machine connects via another pc.