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Which is a faster browser? Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome? - Printable Version

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Which is a faster browser? Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome? - LiLSaiNTsx760 - 05-04-2014 03:20 AM

I'm thinking of switching to Google Chrome because it loads up the page faster but not very sure if I should or not. Google Chrome doesn't really have that much appearance to it though as it just looks simple. In your opinion, which is better? Mozilla or Google? Should I switch to Google Chrome or should I just stay with Mozilla? Please help. Very much appreciated. Thanks!

- elizabeth - 05-04-2014 03:23 AM

I prefer google chromre I'm using it right now and its working very fast for me

- Tim B. - 05-04-2014 03:28 AM

google chrome is 7.1 times faster than firefox in recent studies.

- skull rider - 05-04-2014 03:35 AM

Google chrome is faster but if you have a PC just stay with the default browser, but mozilla vs google chrome; chrome=faster, mozilla=more things, chrome=beter search engine. But you can't really tell because you can do somethings on mozilla and not on chrome and vis versa. So if it were me i would use google chrome because to me, faster is beter.

- Matt7812 - 05-04-2014 03:43 AM

Google Chrome loads faster but when I installed I didn't like it. When I closed it but then opened it later it said it didn't close properly. It did this every time I closed it. There was nothing wrong with my computer. I have Windows XP so maybe its on XP, who knows? Try it.

I like Firefox because it's more secure that Internet Explorer and the Private browsing is better (without it opening a new window on me)

- Pisarini - 05-04-2014 03:47 AM

Google Chrome 7,8 and 9 are the worlds fastest browsers.

I recommend you get Google Chrome 9 because it has the latest V8 rendering engine.

Google Chrome 8 and 9 come with Hardware acceleration, but so does Firefox.

But unfortunately, Firefox doesn't have FULL hardware acceleration, unlike Google Chrome 9.

Google Chrome 9 is the latest Google Chrome yet.