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How do i tell my boyfriend that we didnt meet on accident? - Printable Version

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How do i tell my boyfriend that we didnt meet on accident? - 573 - 05-04-2014 04:12 AM

So i had been following this guy on twitter for over a year now. I never had the courage to mention or DM him. I always checked up on his tweets and constantly scroll through is instagram. He makes youtube videos so i would always watch them too. I followed him but he never followed me back. He never even knew i exsisted. One day he said he was going to some hang out spot that i am familiar with. By this time i know him like a book. From his tweets, videos, pic..everything. I even went through all of his tweets and found his phone number. A lot of times i would call him on block number and prank call him just to hear his voice and record the convo so i can always listen to his voice..Anyways so i decided i was going to go and "accidentally" bump into him..Well i did and things escalated from there..Do i tell him i knew him a year and some change before he knew me

- Sam - 05-04-2014 04:16 AM

I wouldn't tell him, it's quite stalker like what you did and might put him off.

- Evelyn - 05-04-2014 04:23 AM

Well yeah just tell him that u had a huge crush on him that u read all his tweets and watched his videos and ect

- Joe - 05-04-2014 04:31 AM

Don't tell him. It sounds too creepy and stalkerish.

- Pro Thee - 05-04-2014 04:33 AM

Cough Cough Stalker this is super creepy but if you are super hot, good looking pretty i wouldn't care at all

- Haley - 05-04-2014 04:37 AM

I don't think I would say anything, that is stalkerish and would scare me regardless if you were my girlfriend or not. It is one thing if you end up marrying him and then tell him years and years later and laugh about it but I wouldn't say anything at this point, that would definitely scare me and make me loose some interest.