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Does my ex boyfriend really care for me or just playing with my feelings ? - Printable Version

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Does my ex boyfriend really care for me or just playing with my feelings ? - 395 - 05-04-2014 04:51 AM

Hy,my boyfriend broke up with me in 2012 because his parents didn't agree for our marriage, So he broke all his promises and left me crying all alone. After two months of our break up, he sent me a text on facebook asking me that whether i did understand him or not , i didn't reply him , So he deleted me off his facebook account. That was the point,where i started chasing him (as i was madly in love with him, i didn't let him go). I texted him back appologized n added him again on facebook n agreed to be his friend.
But he kept treating me as an option , like a crap. In the mean time he was chasing after my female friend who was also a friend of my ex ( She n my ex bf both were friends for 7 years). He used to take out her anger on me when ever the two had a fight.
Seeing this all n the way he treats me like a crap , i stopped chasing n texting him n decided to move on but two weeks ago , he sent me a text that if i am ignoring him then i should tell him clearly , i said i am not n i asked im why he wants me to talk to him , he replied he has got his answer , N now he has started ignoring me . When i text him , he does reply but doesn't talk to me in a good way.It's been more than two weeks , he hasn't texted me yet.
Does he care for me or what ??
Need an advice please
Time to cut him off n move on ??
He doesn't make an effort to change this attitude , and if he makes an effort ,then just for two days , So thing is asking him again and again doesn't make things right , all in vain
And he also asked me do i stilll love him , i said yes n when i asked him the same question he didn't reply

- yessenia - 05-04-2014 05:03 AM

You should move on..
I dont want you to get hurt. Like I'm getting hurt right now.. Well don't text him tell him straight up about what you think n feel but make him clear you don't need him in your life and just move on. Might hurt if you still have feelings but will make you stronger

- anonymous - 05-04-2014 05:13 AM

to be honest i don't think he cares. maybe he does but in a weird basically after reading this hun i know u can find a guy that can care for u more better; if he cared he wouldn't be playing with ur feelings. the best way to move on is to let go! its hard i know but think of it as a fresh start to meet new guys & u dnt deserve to be treated like that. it seems he likes the attention u give him. & wen u ignore him its when he realizes he wants it again. try to block his number so u won't be tempted to text him, you should delete him off fb but if u dnt want too, i think you should hide his notifications like "unfollow" him ( it means ur still friends but dnt see his updates. so u won't open fb then boom see him there. & if he messages u just laugh & ignore it. u shouldn't hold on because ur just gonna get hurt & get into something where u wish u let go a long time ago. he doesnt love u bc if he did he would be with u & not letting his parents control who he should be with or not; my bf told me if his fam doesnt accept us then he will never leave me thats there fault. so obvi this guy u were with is an a hold & i think ur getting lucky to get out of a marriage with him bc i could see this getting real ugly. i know this isn't some thing u wanna read but its the truth, start doing things for urself like get ur nails done go shopping read ur fave book watch a good show eat a good meal & get some good sleep! talk to friends family. those things make u feel better. i promise it gets easier everyday & a few weeks from now u will see how much progress u made & realize he is a a hole!

- Faisal - 05-04-2014 05:22 AM

hi sania,would u be my girlfriend,yes lol,atleat we can share our ex story'..waiting

- rac - 05-04-2014 05:31 AM

Im sorry for your heartbreak. The love you feel for this man comes from your heart, not his. There isn't any love from this guy! The right guy who can love you back is still out there, focus your love stream on hope for finding a better man. You could be feeling depressed about this, maybe talk to a counselor to help deal with your emotions because now you know there is no future with this man, your in self preservation mode and you need support. P.S. Real love doesn't break up, it sticks and flows naturally, love does not play games

- imran - 05-04-2014 05:43 AM

Leave that asshole, I am sure you will find a guy treating you right.