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Aggravated Harassment in NY? - Printable Version

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Aggravated Harassment in NY? - 861 - 05-04-2014 07:04 AM

I contacted my ex demanding he sign divorce papers. If not I will contact his girlfriend & her family with the truth. My friend sent the girlfriend's daughter & friends FB messages telling them he is a married man. Now the girlfriend wants to press aggravated harassment charges. No physical threats were made. Only comments were stated that he is cheating and the girlfriend helped him. Are these charges valid?

- Comicbook Reader - 05-04-2014 07:17 AM

You bet this is harassment. The moment you did that to the kids, you pushed this into a whole new area of nastiness. You DON'T do this to children. It's cruel. You just handed them a lovely harassment case. Why the hell would you drag the kids into this is beyond me. That a vicious action. Time to step back and hand this off to a lawyer before you find yourself in jail.

- redstrike893 - 05-04-2014 07:32 AM

Yes those charges are valid. You threatened to to disrupt this man's life so now you are going to be in trouble.

Hopefully you will learn whatever lesson there is here and forget about your ex-husband. It's time to stop being so bitter and move on. Apparently your ex has.
