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Internet is acting up? - Printable Version

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Internet is acting up? - Ames 1138 - 05-04-2014 07:25 AM

Okay, so for the last few weeks, my internet has been acting ridiculous. When I am browsing the internet it will just randomly decide to stop working for a few minutes, and the url will say "waiting on [insert website name here]," before eventually connecting to the website. Additionally, I play online games and the games will freeze constantly. My server lag will drop to about 10k ms before going back to 20 ms, then 10 seconds later it drops back to 10k. This is annoying when I am using a VOIP as I get disconnected from that and the games servers constantly, one time about 10 times in a single hour. I don't think it's a problem with too many users on at once because most of the time I am the only person using the internet, and I will still get problems at say 12 am. I have not downloaded anything that would slow my pc down and I clear my cpu's history every day. Also, another computer on the same internet has similar problems, so I don't think it's a problem with the computers. I've tried disconnecting and reconnecting to the internet, restarting my computer, resetting the router and modem and nothing has changed. What else could I try to fix this?
I have dsl; the router is in another room and I connect wirelessly. My TV, which is using the same internet provider, is perfectly fine when using the internet. The TV works fine whether I'm running a search engine and the search engine acts up whether or not the TV is on.
I have dsl; the router is in another room and I connect wirelessly. My TV, which is using the same internet provider, is perfectly fine when using the internet. The TV works fine whether I'm running a search engine and the search engine acts up whether or not the TV is on.

- Richard P - 05-04-2014 07:30 AM

Is this a cable or DSL internet service? If it is cable, I have seen constant dropping also. If you have your TV on the same service as the Internet, see if your TV picture starts looking like a mosaic of squares when you run a web query. That could be a clue for low signal delivery from the street.

- Boss - 05-04-2014 07:38 AM

Call your ISP.