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My friends are ignoring me? - Printable Version

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My friends are ignoring me? - Chris - 05-04-2014 08:52 AM

I have been suffering with social anxiety and none of my best friends has been there for me. None have come to see me and none are replying to me on Facebook. Those who do read my messages and then mark them as unread so they don't have to talk to me.
So, the other day I asked if they want to go out and again they read the message and then marked it as unread and ignored me.
Why are they being like this?

- My Dog Max - 05-04-2014 08:56 AM

They might have found new friends.

- Pals5 - 05-04-2014 09:07 AM

Who cares about them. Go find new friends and dump those who aren't there for you when you need them

- Aira - 05-04-2014 09:16 AM

Hi! Smile
So did anything happen recently between you guys? Or maybe a rumour started about you that's not true? Maybe secrety find out in school or something.
BUT if they're ignoring you and never there for you, they aren't very good friends >Sad
(don't mean to be meanXD) but yeah, maybe find out what the problem is and see them straight. Good luck! Smile
hope you make up with your friends soon

- Mark - 05-04-2014 09:25 AM

The only way to know that is by asking them nicely. And when you do, make sure you don't get rude. They might actually been rude, but believe me, you being rude won't solve the problem. Fire will not beat fire. Don't make things get bigger. Based on my experience, it is always best to settle things early. Making them last longer will only worsen it.

When you do this 2 things can happen. First they can tell the problem directly to you, or they might ignore you. If they do ignore you, don't get mad. Try to do your best to understand them. You might be thinking " What have I ever done?"(I also experienced this) and actually you might have done something. And if that's the case, be willing to admit. Don't get your ego in the way. It is so much more moving to hear " It's my fault. I admit it. I'm really sorry about it." than "What's wrong with you! What did I ever do to you/ It wasn't my fault!" Even I would greatly admire a person who said the first one. Try to think about it.

As for your social anxiety, try to talk it out. Keep calm. ( All is well) Talk with some of your family members and explain the problem. They might also give you important advice.

I hope I helped. I also experienced such anxiety and will be more than glad to help more. : )

- Baby gal - 05-04-2014 09:31 AM

A confrontation is best. Tell them how them not responding to you is making you feel and if they are true friends, they will explain or apologize at least. If they brush it off, just leave them alone because clearly they are undeserving of you.