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SEO: Does Google Track IP's? - Printable Version

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SEO: Does Google Track IP's? - 924 - 05-04-2014 11:35 AM

You built a website for your parents that relates to the filed of real estate. You've completed link building for them via forums, blogs ad human edited directories that real to real estate.

That all being said, another realtor out of another state has asked to complete link building for their real estate website. You will need to post on the same forums and blogs as you have done so for your parents real estate website. Will Google, MSN and Yahoo trace the IP's and ban my parents site or penalize them? I would have to create other user names and signature links on these same forums and blogs. How does this all work? Would or should I change IP's? If yes, how so?

- Rank On Top, Inc. - 05-04-2014 11:44 AM

yes they do.
cant fool google.

- Charlie - 05-04-2014 11:51 AM


I think building a website might be one of the first steps to do. There are some real estate solutions already available in the market. And a few web designing firms are already offering services specifically for real estate management. is one such example

- primarypositionseo - 05-04-2014 11:54 AM

If you post in a forum or comment in a blog or someones website, a directory etc. there isn't currently anyway for Google to trace this back to you. Also, it's quite unlikely that Google will relate your IP to the IP address your parents site is hosted on. If you are creating genuine and unique content then there is no reason for Goolge to penalise you.

Google is moving more and more towards trusted content - for example if you post information in Yahoo or on a blog and there is a rating/human validation system in order to control quality.

To increase the visibility of your parents site, you should consider creating great content. Ideas for this would include FAQ's about real-estate, investment information, information about mortgages/bonds and so on. You could also connect with people in different ways, possibly through social networks but please dont spam. Spam is nasty and see-through - and people hate spam. Spam will work negatively against you through Google and negative brand association.