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Signs He ISN'T Interested? - Printable Version

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Signs He ISN'T Interested? - Rachel - 05-04-2014 03:52 PM

-I met him a few months ago. The first time we hung out he ditched his friends to come with me and my group. His friend said, "Whoever he ditched us for she must have been absolutely beautiful (meaning me)."
-The first time we hung out is when I gave him my number. I'm not sure if he called because my phone broke a week later.
-I see him around school a lot now. His friends seem to know who I am. Two of his good friends went out of their way to befriend me.
-I saw him the other day waiting to cross the street (at school) and I was talking to a guy. As soon as he saw me he looked down on the floor.

I do admit the last two times I saw him I was acting stand offish. The reason why is because I was waiting for him to make a move.

Today I saw him and he just waved hello and avoided eye contact with me while I was talking to his friend. Girls go after him a lot. There's one particular girl all over his Facebook who is absolutely stunning. I don't think I'm unattractive but I think my "selling point" is my personality

- Blundt Cake - 05-04-2014 03:53 PM

You act like you're not interested in him, and other girls are fawning all over him.
If you were him, who would you pick?