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Urban dictionary definition? - Printable Version

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Urban dictionary definition? - D.D. ♡ - 05-04-2014 08:47 PM

How can I find out who wrote this definition about me on I know it's me because my name isn't common and it describes me all the way. Is there a way I can find out who wrote it? Their username is "mr. scratch"

- Nick - 05-04-2014 08:58 PM

There's no way you can find out anything from them. They may know something about that username, but they aren't going to tell you. They would tell someone in law enforcement, though, so if you can interest a cop you can have them ask. You could try Googling the username to see if you can find any other breadcrumbs.

Mr. Scratch only has four definitions on urbandictionary, and the only name mentioned is Anastasia. There are plenty of Anastasias and plenty of psycho chicks in this world (everyone in the world knows at least one psycho chick, and probably several), so the chances he is talking about you are really remote.