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I'll try to answer yours if you answer this decently. Please? - Printable Version

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I'll try to answer yours if you answer this decently. Please? - 918 - 05-04-2014 08:50 PM

So I sent this girl I've been trying to befriend, a message over a week ago, she never replied, so then last night I asked if she had seen my message. To my luck she hadn't and said to me "Oh my gosh I actually didn't swear to god !! It never popped up in my messages !!! Naw that's so sweet of you 💗 thankyou so much Smile".
At this point I was a bit bewildered and sought of freaked out so I said "your welcome" then left. Shortly after she said "how lovely". What is she trying to imply? Is she saying oh how adorable this boy said this to me, or is it just being nice, or a legitimate thank you for this compliment, I'd like to talk sometime?

The message I sent her said "I've gotta be honest with you, I saw your photos at the ball, and you look beautiful in a ball gown. Now I don't care how you respond to this, but I just thought you deserved to hear it." Just in case you're curious.
I'm just a bit flustered because I never thought she even acknowledge me let alone this, so I don't want to blow anything up or make a mess of this.
Just to clarify she lives in a different city so facebook is the only way to communicate.
I don't want to see if she's interested in a relationship, I just want to be friends, and what I am asking is whether she is being interested in a friendship, not a relationship.

- Anna - 05-04-2014 09:00 PM

I think you do have a chance with her. She acknowledged you so she def knows you exist. Just keep talking to her and see how things progress. Good luck! Answer mine? I need guy advice

- REALLY?? - 05-04-2014 09:08 PM

Chances are she may have missed your message but honestly don't go there....chances are you are not what she is interested in. The fact you had to remind her to look at your message speaks in volumes....time to leave that pond and move on.

- Soul Wanderer - 05-04-2014 09:22 PM

You like a girl who is online and had pictures of herself in a ball gown online? Also with her saying "It never popped up in my messages" Is kind of bullshit. I'm going to assume to the honest truth she must have thought that was either creepy/random, or she just gets those kinds of comments, and I'm also going to assume she dosen't know you personally perhaps which is why she prolly ignored the message plus she might have loads of other people givine her similar compliments. Online relationships are famous now because its what almsot everyone is doing. I personaly think its a bad idea to talk to someone you dont know face to face. But I say keep talking like how you normally would talk to a fellow "girl" friend. If she also replied like that she must not be interested and prolly like you said, is saying how adorable of what the boy said to her. She also could just be being nice to not hurt your feelings. Also its difficult really to tell what a person is saying online/text. So you really could be just wasting your time. Sorry to break it to you.

- ok - 05-04-2014 09:38 PM

I think, she was just nice to you. Nothing special here, its like saying hi to a unmindful friend, and a moments later she/he says hi with a big smile. You should not draw any conclusion from it.

- Jon G - 05-04-2014 09:41 PM

Its hard to answer this "decently" cause we are not psychic's. What was she trying to imply? Only she knows.