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How Do I Get My Sperm Donor To Understand I Want NOTHING To Do With Him? - Printable Version

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How Do I Get My Sperm Donor To Understand I Want NOTHING To Do With Him? - Shurka - 05-04-2014 09:18 PM

I'm 19.My biological father has never been a part of my life. He's not on my birth certificate and has never paid mandatory Child Support. My mother didn't ask for it because I didn't live with her. I lived with a couple she knew who were more than able to support me on their own. My sperm donor who started to cause trouble when I was 6 or 7 by demanding to see "his" child. My adopted mom's exact words to my 1st mom was, "Tell that damn foreigner to either write you a $65,000 check to cover all the years of this child's life or fuck off!"
The sperm donor said he was married&didn't have that kind of money, so he was told to get lost. He tried to be a smart alack&take the matter to court where he was ordered to pay Child Support, threatened with jail,and got absolutely NO RIGHTS or ACCESS.
He refused to pay&was arrested several times for it. He also continued to stalk&harass my family until by the time I was 11 there was a No Contact Order in plane till my 18th b-day. Every time he contacted me on social media I told my folks&he was arrested. Finally he was deported back to Slovenia for being a general menace to an American Citizen.To be safe I ask for an extension until my 25th b-day when I turned 18.
Now I attend university in another state&have been contacted no less than a dozen times with him asking where I study&what I study. He's out of the country so he can't be arrested anymore, but I SICK TO DEATH OF HIM. Why can't he just FUCK OFF?

- Darryl J - 05-04-2014 09:33 PM

Kick him between the legs, hard!

- orange-nose - 05-04-2014 09:41 PM

Did you ever tell him directly to **** off? Maybe he's getting the wrong idea because it's always your folks telling him to pay or **** off and he might think that you actually do want to contact him but you're being forced by your family to avoid him. Tell him clearly that you don't ever want to have any contact with him and also tell him why, and if he still doesn't get the message then you can report him and something probably will happen to him whether he's out of the country or not, because you have the No Contact Order thing. After all, he was deported for being a 'menace to an American Citizen', and whether he's in America or not doesn't change the fact that he still is. The authorities could probably work something out so something could happen to him in Slovenia.

So the conclusion is:
Just report him! The authorities might be able to do something about it. If not, maybe just change your email and set it so if he ever finds your new email everything from his email will be sent to spam or trash or just report him on the site. Make new accounts on social networks and make sure to block him/his accounts and if he manages to find you again report him on whatever social network you're using. Change your phone number too, if he has it.

- Katie - 05-04-2014 09:55 PM

You have an Attorney send him a letter asking hm to stop harassing you.

If you were, in fact, ADOPTED by another couple - which you say - he is a legal stranger to you and you can file for a protective order.

Otherwise all you can do is ignore him.

If there has never been DNA testing and legal proof that he's your birth father he is, likewise, a legal stranger, and it's the same as me calling you a dozen times - file for a restraining order.