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How can Twitter help you with your academics? - Printable Version

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How can Twitter help you with your academics? - Jennifer - 05-04-2014 10:23 PM

I got an assignment by my teacher. Every one's input would actually help

- Mathew - 05-04-2014 10:37 PM

It is all about social media these days. The 140 character can play a major role in your academics. For me, it is something that would connect the teachers and the students. with twitter:

1. you can engage in discussions
2. You would easily know what projects are lined up and when can you meet deadlines
3. Project Deatils
4. get a say from other students., even globally

Just a heads up, however if you need help, have heard of these online research companies and man they are good! Paperomatic, is an online academic writing company that helpss tusdents grow and helps them with their assignments.

Check them out and get help!

- Rihaana - 05-04-2014 10:48 PM

Twitter is the next big thing! I agree with Mathew. It helps you to connect with teachers and students, not only limited to your class but outside school as well. try searching Google as well. They have lots to tips that will help you do your assignment.

- Charles - 05-04-2014 10:52 PM

It's all about the social mediums these Days. Twitter can help you build connections and can enhance your learning in every way, it is THE BIG thing, which also gives students the opportunity to grow and learn with their teachers.

Good Luck with your Assignment!