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How to become a SEO expert?? - Printable Version

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How to become a SEO expert?? - Abdul - 05-05-2014 12:18 AM

How to become an SEO expert?? How to become an SEO expert??????

Yeah, this is very difficult to answer this question. Search engine Optimization is the thing you have to learn it all by yourself. I can say that there will not be any schools or colleges for SEO courses. You will get many online programs to learn SEO. But all those programs are nothing but shit. You got many websites of full of resourses on SEO. Just remember What you know about SEO is much and more important than the certificate says that you are an SEO expert. You have to spend much and more amount of time on reading article, questions in forums, websites and lastly implementation. SEO is nothing but 20% theoritical and 80% implementation.

In my sense we can become an SEO expert only when we study about Search engine algorithms. In the whole web you cannot get how search engine algorithms are written.These algorithms are completely made secret.

- 938 - 05-05-2014 12:27 AM

Your first step is to read the SEO bible, then put it in practice and learn as you go. Don't forget it takes a while for rankings because the search spider has to crawl the links and the links of links.

- Digitoko - 05-05-2014 12:35 AM

For your answer i would say this:

Trying, falling, learning, standing up, reading, trying again, falling harder, learn more and eventually you will find the expert of SEO.

- programlover2000 - 05-05-2014 12:38 AM

reading reading
trial and error
but see.this blog
and do as it

- earlyposthuman - 05-05-2014 12:44 AM

First and foremost, understand what Google wants. Google wants to match searchers with what they are REALLY looking for.

That is your guiding principle.

Don't try to game the system. You can do just fine by giving Google what it wants.

There are 5 basic principles to SEO:

1) Title Tags - make your page titles match your priority keywords.

2) Text Content - Your site must contain text that is useful to your visitors and includes your keywords.

3) Alt Tags - Every image on a page can be named with a keyword.

4) Header Tags - Each section of text can have a "headline" that includes your keywords.

5) Links - You need RELEVANT links from other web sites.

Do these things and you are off to a great start!

- Webmaster S - 05-05-2014 12:57 AM

you need to follow latest updates in the seo market. If i were you i would follow webmaster forums such as