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My boy friend Blocked me on fb, whatsapp and all contacts with me. I want to make him miss me..? - Printable Version

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My boy friend Blocked me on fb, whatsapp and all contacts with me. I want to make him miss me..? - 347 - 05-05-2014 01:53 AM

I am a 24 years old girl and he is in same age with me but he is elder than me for 7 months.its been 3 years for our relationship and it was a strong relationship.I love him more than my life. we were happily together as a girl friend and a boy friend. he treated me really well and never hurt me. Our relationship was perfect.I think I did my best for him. when he was in Uk for his higher studies we had to do long distance relationship. all the time I spent sleepless night. I was there with him when he was studying without closing my eyes even.I sacrificed a lot for him. I am happy he passed his exams really well and back to my country again. at the meantime I also completed my degree in Human Resource Management. now he is a Civil Engineer and I am working in HR section and holding a good position. But he got late to get permission from his parents since we are getting old I asked him to tell about us to his parents. I told my parents about him when I start this relationship. they were totally okey with it and they liked him. but his parents are so rude. Specially his father. Living devil in my words.he used to treat his wife and children very badly. He is so stingy for money. finally his parents said no to me. the reasons were my dowry and my religion. I am a Buddhist girl and he is catholic. But i was totally okey with it since I dont have issue with it. even my parents were oki with his religion. I even planned to take my wedding in Church. but never wanted to convert. But they keep asking me to convert badly. I was so down cause I have never wanted to do it. but finally I said yes cause I did not want to lose him in my life. I love him that much. But after I said oki for the convert thing they started to ask about my dowry. His family is rich. but I am not a poor girl I am from a middle level family with educated background. this is so painful Finally my boy friend took his parents side and now asking me to forget him and move on. I never can do that and I am all alone here.I asked him to fight together but he gave it up. since he is the only one son his family he is gonna get everything from his father. all the properties. now he has blocked me on fb whats app and my phone number. I have never done anything bad to him even in my dreams. this is really hurtful and make me so depressed. after we broke up his father gifted him a car. and he is so happy with it. I cant make my mind. but he keeps telling me He loves me and all but asking me to move on.I don't know why money is that much powerful when it comes to love. They are so heartless people. Now my parents are asking me to forget him and ask me to not to involve with such a rude selfish family who think there is only money matters. Please help me, I can wait for him and can fight for him. I love him so much and I wont move on. I want make him miss me more and get him back.

- ModByPasser - 05-05-2014 02:09 AM


- deniseindc - 05-05-2014 02:20 AM

Pay attention to what your parents are telling you. Move On!! This guy isnt in love with you or he would have fought harder. He's not going to give up all the family wealth and inheritance for you - that's already obvious. Even the new car has taken a higher position in his life than you have. The truth is hard but you need to wake up and move on. AT 24 you should be smarter than to think you can change a guys mind. He's prioritizing and no doubt realizing that its smarter to keep in with his parents if he wants to be wealthy than to risk it all over a girl. Given you were also separated during his studies, it strikes me he's done with the pressure of the relationship and no doubt tired of the ongoing battle with his parents over you. Harsh but true - he's moving on, you need to as well. There are plenty of other nice guys out there. Don't waste your life brooding after him. You're in HR so should be aware of the impact of emotions and dilemmas in the workplace. They're not that different from relationships so practice what you are learning. Handle situations and move on from them. I don't think anyone on here is going to tell you its worth fighting for someone thats clearly not fighting for you.

- sonam - 05-05-2014 02:35 AM

dont be me @09860725525 my name is pratik bhansali..i will be your friend and lover and wil statisfy all ur needs

- SAMANTHA REIN - 05-05-2014 02:41 AM

So sorry to hear your story. But I will be straight forward, the only thing you can do now is to move on. Accept the fact that he made his decision and it is now time to make yours. He doesn't sound like he want's you back. (Sorry, but someone needs to say that)

It may prove to be a long and tough road but by doing a few simple things, the whole journey can be much smoother and you will be back on top of your game in no time!

Good luck!

- Elissa - 05-05-2014 02:55 AM

I'm sorry to hear your story. We're on the same boat. Only difference is my parents were not ok with him. But still we both stood strong. I could remember we had a year that we didn't communicate at all. I was asked to delete him in my contacts, IM's and every means of communication. I thought we could never be and lost hope. But then one day, I got something from the mail on my birthday. It was a birthday card. I was surprised it was from him. All the while, he and I are still thinking about each other and still holding on. Here's what. Have you tried sending him a snail mail, a card perhaps? That should make him miss you. There's this card boutique I know that sends the cards for you. have good cards with great designs. Or you can always try other card shops. I hope everything will go well between you two.