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Is it weird to have an online friend? - Printable Version

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Is it weird to have an online friend? - Kendall - 05-05-2014 02:31 AM

Ok hey guys now before you freak out, just know that he's not some kind of old creep! So heres the story. We've had a mutual follow on twitter for a while now and I thought he went to my school! Before I followed him back, I stalked a bit and saw that he was following a couple of my friends so I thought he went to my school. Turns out that he DOESNT. He lives in another state, but the school he attends has the same name as my school. I dm'ed him on twitter and asked him who he was, why he was following me blah blah, and he replied saying he only follows attractive people who seem interesting which i admit kinda made my stomach flutter bc this guy is SO CUTE. and we kinda hit it off from there. Then he snapchatted me and no it wasn't anything inappropriate. (If it was I would've totally blocked him right then and there) but anyways. It was a video of him mocking the vine "I just stole a kiss, what are you going to do about it" and I just died laughing and kinda really wanted to become bff;s with him right then. And he's actually really sweet! Ever since then we've been snapchatting constantly and I might've even developed a little crush on him.. IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? we never even met! please tell me if this is normal. I feel so awkward with it and I don't want to tell any of my friends bc I fear they will judge me. also sometimes snapchat can get SO ANNOYING bc you obviously cant type a lot since its mostly used for pictures so would it be weird to like communicate in a different way? not through twitter dm bc that has a limit on how many words you can post too, but maybe kik or something? would it be weird to ask for that kind of information? ive never had an online friend before and tbh this whole thing is just really confusing and I would like to know if everything ive been feeling is normal.. thank you so much in advance for reading this terribly boring story!

- NOM - 05-05-2014 02:44 AM

its not weird to have online friends but it is weird to put too much into it. for instance vin diesel sometimes replys to fans he has thousands of friends on social media but its not that serious. people who play black ops online get friend request all the time as well.

- Rocked - 05-05-2014 02:56 AM


- Poro - 05-05-2014 03:04 AM

The story wasn't that boring Tongue It's not weird at all to have an online friend given how many of us young people use computers and smartphones. We are a very tech-savy generation and technology has allowed us to meet and talk to people farther than the community we live in. If you two are getting along well -have lots to say and have good times together- it's not that strange to ask if he wants to chat through another program where you can say more.