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I own a website, what precautions should I take before firing my designer/SEO and hiring a new one? - Printable Version

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I own a website, what precautions should I take before firing my designer/SEO and hiring a new one? - 965 - 05-05-2014 11:38 AM

The company I am using has designed my site and is doing our SEO campaign. There are a few reasons we are considering changing companies. They have been OVER-PROMISING and UNDER-DELIVERING, I find myself having to ask several times before things are done and I feel we are no longer getting what were paying for. I told him a few months ago that our budget only allows until the end of January unless we get the results he promised by that time. I want to make sure to take all precautions before we make our final payment so we don't get in trouble. Our SEO strategy consists mainly of backlinking.

1) What passwords do we need to change? I.E. FTP, Admin, Google Analytics.........

2) What should I get from him that I will need to give to our new website designer/SEO? I.E. Source code, list of backlinks, SEO plan, etc.

3) How can I ensure that he can't delete the backlinks or undo the SEO he has already performed? Our rankings are already somewhat established on Google among other search engines

4) Are backlinks a do it once and forget, or do I need to get in touch with the websites we have backlinks with and establish communication with them?

Thanks in advance! If you are an SEO/designer looking for a client, we are tentatively looking for a replacement. Our main keywords are very competitive, 1 star according to Traffic Travis and we are currently towards the top of page 3 of Google for them. We are in month 5 of our SEO campaign.

- Sathish Reddy - 05-05-2014 11:48 AM

1)Just you need to change FTP pass words and hosting details..
2)Back Links , Seo plan not at all required
3)Once the admin has approved the links then he cont do any ting with that links as I am from SEO we can build up more links than previous links
4)Back links are like do it once and forget.. for more assistance visit our website .We can provide you free action plan. we have more than 8years experience and Experts In SEO,SEM,PPC..