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Why doesn't facebook make the minimum age 18 to sign up? - Printable Version

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Why doesn't facebook make the minimum age 18 to sign up? - Garth Henderson - 05-05-2014 01:07 PM

Facebook is a good way for sexual predators to infiltrate the home. I think minors ruin facebook with constant updates and pictures. Minors have been cyber bullied through facebook. It seems like a dangerous site for kids.

Also maybe facebook could delete profiles of people of any age who update their status more than once in an hour or post pics of themselves holding the camera in the bathroom mirror.

- Mr. P Mosh - 05-05-2014 01:21 PM

Because the under 18 crowd is a great target audience for advertising and that is how facebook makes its money.

- Ben - 05-05-2014 01:35 PM

The point of Facebook is to allow you to connect with your friends. They aren't trying to police everything to make sure it's all neat and tidy. The only reason they have a minimum age at all is because U.S. law forbids storing personal information for children under 13. If people piss you off because they're updating too frequently, then just de-friend them.

- pyrohmstr - 05-05-2014 01:48 PM

Facebook was like that back in the day. Then everyone complained about it so they changed it. They got more money and more users, everybody won.