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Why does my mother always favors my little brother? - Printable Version

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Why does my mother always favors my little brother? - 279 - 05-05-2014 04:45 PM

my little brother is 18, he always turn off our wifi connection so that he can solo our internet connection and make it faster whenever he play dota or minescraft

he plays dota everyday for 8 hours straight and he is addicted to it...

I already told my mom about it but it seems that my mother is allowing my brother to be addicted in playing dota because she is not confronting him about it.

actually it won't bother me if my brother is not turning the wifi off and also allow us to use the internet but he is too greedy to do that.

he is cutting classes and skip studying because of it.
and my mother is letting him do what he wants.
he always been favored by my mother.
@brands I already told my mom about it but she seems to not care about what I feel and still denies the favoritism thingy although it's obvious that she favor my brother more than me.

- brands - 05-05-2014 04:51 PM

Maybe you should tell your mother that you feel like also could because you brother is younger than you. My dad is the same way he favors my younger brother just because he is younger

- Henry W - 05-05-2014 04:54 PM

many parents want to spoil their children, give everything they can, but unfortunately that is bad for the child and the good thing will turn the child to waste
and so by not getting what you want, you will try to get it, and that is the way of a winner, to endlessly aim your vision and work for it.
to work around the connection, there is software to limit internet speed, so the spike of the first load won't jam the others connection speed, it is mostly used at internet cafe or alike.
or through your modem setting
or just buy data plan from your phone