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How to use 2 different connections on the same computer [read]? - Printable Version

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How to use 2 different connections on the same computer [read]? - 807 - 05-05-2014 06:18 PM

I play a game that for some reason blocks my internet service provider from accessing it, so I have to play with my phone's connection, which is an internet service provided by a different a company. All I need to do is dedicate my phone's connection to that one game, and use a different connection for the rest of the computer, is there a way to do that? Wink
@Karlsonas: It's not the service provider that's blocking the game, but it's the opposite, the game it self is blocking the service provider.
@Andru: Then go ahead and explain it to me.

- Karlsonas - 05-05-2014 06:32 PM

Have you tried calling your service provider and asking them to unblock that game?

I have not tried having two connections, when one of them is phone modem, but I think it works similar as two network cards.
To use 2 connections at once, you need manually set up some routes on your computer.
Let say we have one LAN card which gives you IP (bad ISP) and another LAN card which gives IP (good phone connection), then you need to
add default route from command line (run cmd from windows search/run line)

route ADD MASK
and add another route to your game
route ADD x.x.x.x MASK

Instead of x.x.x.x must be IP of game server and all other servers used by that game.

To know what IP's to use you need to star>>run (or just type in win7 search ) >> cmd
then type
ipconfig /all

here you will see all your IP addresses and gateways.

To get game server IP address, you need connect to game server using phone and after turning off all other software which connects to internet (like browsers, tray icons, mail clients, P2P programs) you can open Start >> run >>cmd >> netstat

and try locating your game server there

For example (foreign address can possibly be your game server IP)

Proto Local Address Foreign Address State

As Andru said it is not so easy to setup, and I am not sure it will work, you just need to test and tell me if you succeeded.

- Andru - 05-05-2014 06:46 PM

you cannot use multiple internet connections on the same PC because of how DHCP works and how computers receive their IP address. It's too complicated to explain it to a user with little to no understanding of operating systems.