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how to SEO my Blog which is newly launched.? - Printable Version

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how to SEO my Blog which is newly launched.? - 372 - 05-06-2014 01:13 AM

i just made a blog about Obesity
i tried lots of things to make it search engine friendly but i dont know
i might be doing a major mistake somewhere
can any body suggest me how make it 100% SEO friendly.

- Doodled - 05-06-2014 01:27 AM

Well you can't be 100% SEO friendly unless you know the way Google and other search engines work - and that is top secret!

But you can improve the website to be more friendly and your website does have a long way to go:
I looked at this page on your site:
- Your page URL doesn't match the content
- your title tag doesn't match the content
- your description tag doesn't match the content
- your h1 tag does not match the content

These are all things that search engines look at to try and gain an idea of what a page is about and your page tells them nothing really. Worse still because it doesn't match the content many search engines will be suspicious - are you trying to con them?

My suggestions are a tip on the iceberg but they will make quite a difference.

BTW - don't repeat your content in Facebook - Google hates duplicate content and that might be another reason for your woes.

See the link below if you want to find out everything you need to do to be search engine friendly.

- Adelind Holstein - 05-06-2014 01:38 AM

Backlinks are the key to SEO.

To improve your Page Rank you need lots of Content and even more Backlinks.

Spinblitz will create unlimited articles ( they have a Free Trial ) and if you have Wordpress blogs there are automated posting functions. Check out spinblitz-dot-com

By the way - Don't waste your $$$ on the wrong kind of backlinks - They won't work.

Since the Google "Panda" update a lot has changed.

Google has moved the playing field and simple text links are almost counter productive, Pyramid linkbuilding is no longer worth the effort but Contextural Links will get you an almost immediate SERPS improvement.

Most of the backlinks you will be offered today will be either, simple text on blog profiles or blog comments.

Tens of thousands of both can be done in 24hrs using Scrapebox, and because of that Google is now giving simple text links less weight in SERPS.

If you watch the latest video by Matt Cutts, Google's own guru, you will learn that contextural backlinks now have the most value.

Contextural backlinks are links placed inside an article or blog post that are in the context of their surrounding text, so they look natural.

For example an article on firefighting might have links to a firestation URL. These are quite time consuming to create and invariably need an image to get maximum Google juice.

For anyone planning to create backlinks I recommend you to take 3 minutes to watch the Matt Cutts video on autoseosystem-dot-com

If you recognise the change he speaks about. then afterwards use their FREE software to create some contextural articles embedded with your own URL.

- Dave Adamson - 05-06-2014 01:49 AM

SEO is made up of 2 parts - Onpage SEO, and Offpage SEO.

Onpage SEO is what you do on your blog to make is search friendly. This is including your keyword in the content with a density of between 1%-4%, including it in your title, meta tags, URL (if possible), etc.

Offpage SEO is what you need to focus on a lot more than this. This is what gives you the rankings. Offpage SEO is the backlinks that are on OTHER sites that point to your site. These should contain keyword anchor text, meaning your keywords should be the clickable link to your site. This shows Google what your site is about.

You can create backlinks yourself with a variety of methods, article marketing, guest posting, blog commenting, forum posts, etc.

- Jannet schoof - 05-06-2014 02:05 AM

Use content from Spinblitz - It's the best !!