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What should I blog about? - Printable Version

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What should I blog about? - Colin - 05-06-2014 03:32 AM

So, I've been interested in starting a blog. But honestly, I am not sure what to blog about. My interests lie in societal issues, video games, and life (I know, I know). But I do not which would be the best to blog about. Or which topic would bring the largest audience. I would primarily be putting about articles and things like that. Any assistance?

- Chelsea Jo - 05-06-2014 03:47 AM

You can blog anything you want. It's YOUR blog, so whatever your interests are. It can be more than one thing. If you look up to someone that you like, you can make a blog about them.

- Jazz - 05-06-2014 03:58 AM

Whatever you are able to say a lot about.

- Furbycool - 05-06-2014 04:13 AM

I would recommend starting a blog on tumblr but it can also be risky because people can be very critical over there. (You could maybe just not turn on your ask box.)

Tumblr has a whole lot of people who are into gaming and loads of people who will listen to your views on societal issues too. But really it's your blog and you can write or share whatever you want (but it would be best if it wasn't offensive to anyone). Smile