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When using Facebook chat on ipad does the persons device show up as mobile? - Printable Version

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When using Facebook chat on ipad does the persons device show up as mobile? - Missy - 05-06-2014 04:38 AM

My boyfriend claims the his phone broke and sent me a message on Facebook saying it was broken... But it said sent from mobile. He claims it's from his ipad. But we've been distant lately and I feel like he's lying and he's actually sending that from his phone. What do you guys think?
When I send messages from my ipad it just says my location... Not mobile

- Luis - 05-06-2014 04:49 AM

he is lying to you. Now a day it actually tells you what kind of name brand device the person is using. Good luck!

- Lilly - 05-06-2014 05:01 AM

Oh I think he is lying....or I think he might be using another person's phone and doing that. Maybe he have facebook open always on his device or something ( such as a phone,ipod,etc).

I feel bad for your issue! I hope you solve it though! Best of luck Smile

- Killah B - 05-06-2014 05:02 AM

That seems strange, but do you know what Facebook says when a person sends from an iPad? For all you know, it could still be considered "mobile", and you should not jump to conclusions without facts.

- Amelia - 05-06-2014 05:03 AM

I don't have FB, but I think you should trust him!