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Help with creating a website? - Printable Version

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Help with creating a website? - AmberRoses - 05-06-2014 07:13 AM

Okay, so my friend and I have been told that we give rally good advice, so I though 'Hey, why not create an advice website?' So I was wondering how to do that and how I would be able to make it popular. Or at least make people know about it.

- Jake - 05-06-2014 07:20 AM

It takes a real commitment to develop a worthwhile site that gets decent traffic, for example the most popular revenue source for bloggers, Google's Adsense advertisements require a site to have tens of thousands of visitors to earn the $100 min before they pay you. There are countless casual blog sites people have made that get perhaps 5 visitors a day, those that get the big traffic are treated like a job.

Not sure what form your advice site would take, something like Yahoo Answers? There are tons of free blog hosts out there where you could write a full article then leave it for people to leave followup questions to which you could reply to in the comments section. That would be the easiest way, old school blogs I know include and Google's You add content by filling in forms there's no programming required.

- 678 - 05-06-2014 07:28 AM

first you need to sit and think on what you need to make website and jolt down the main points like what is your aim for creating website how you can help yourself and your visitors?

- Matt - 05-06-2014 07:42 AM

Best is to use UltimateWB. It is the best website builder and plus it has a built-in seo tool to build traffic.

- Marina - 05-06-2014 07:46 AM

Build blog with blogger or wordpress. And start writing your posts. Open a Google webmaster account, apply the Google Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, and you have a lot of videos in Youtube. it is easy to create ablog. Best of luck

- Eric Wagner - 05-06-2014 07:51 AM

Welcome to the world of online marketing.

First, please realize how much competition you're facing, especially if you don't intend to focus on a specific niche. You'd be competing with Yahoo! Answers, among other websites like Quora.

Would you be the only person providing advice? If so, how well are you going to be able to scale that business model?

Next realize that a small company might invest $10,000 into a niche question and answer site. A large company could invest millions. Are you able to put that kind of time into this project?

If you are, or if you just want the learning experience, don't be deterred. Just realize that this won't be a weekend project.